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The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare
page 4 of 103 (03%)

Pro. He after Honour hunts, I after Loue;
He leaues his friends, to dignifie them more;
I loue my selfe, my friends, and all for loue:
Thou Iulia, thou hast metamorphis'd me:
Made me neglect my Studies, loose my time;
Warre with good counsaile; set the world at nought;
Made Wit with musing, weake; hart sick with thought

Sp. Sir Protheus: 'saue you: saw you my Master?

Pro. But now he parted hence to embarque for Millain

Sp. Twenty to one then, he is ship'd already,
And I haue plaid the Sheepe in loosing him

Pro. Indeede a Sheepe doth very often stray,
And if the Shepheard be awhile away

Sp. You conclude that my Master is a Shepheard then,
and I Sheepe?

Pro. I doe

Sp. Why then my hornes are his hornes, whether I
wake or sleepe

Pro. A silly answere, and fitting well a Sheepe

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