The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
page 102 of 121 (84%)
page 102 of 121 (84%)
Sim. I thanke your worship: I shall make my Master
glad with these tydings Host. Thou art clearkly: thou art clearkly (Sir Iohn) was there a wise woman with thee? Fal. I that there was (mine Host) one that hath taught me more wit, then euer I learn'd before in my life: and I paid nothing for it neither, but was paid for my learning Bar. Out alas (Sir) cozonage: meere cozonage Host. Where be my horses? speake well of them varletto Bar. Run away with the cozoners: for so soone as I came beyond Eaton, they threw me off, from behinde one of them, in a slough of myre; and set spurres, and away; like three Germane-diuels; three Doctor Faustasses Host. They are gone but to meete the Duke (villaine) doe not say they be fled: Germanes are honest men Euan. Where is mine Host? Host. What is the matter Sir? Euan. Haue a care of your entertainments: there is a friend of mine come to Towne, tels mee there is three Cozen-Iermans, that has cozend all the Hosts of Reading, of Maidenhead; of Cole-brooke, of horses and money: I tell you for good will (looke you) you are wise, and full of gibes, and vlouting-stocks: and 'tis not conuenient you should be cozoned. Fare you well |