The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
page 37 of 121 (30%)
page 37 of 121 (30%)
Fal. Good-morrow, good-wife
Qui. Not so, and't please your worship Fal. Good maid then Qui. Ile be sworne, As my mother was the first houre I was borne Fal. I doe beleeue the swearer; what with me? Qui. Shall I vouch-safe your worship a word, or two? Fal. Two thousand (faire woman) and ile vouchsafe thee the hearing Qui. There is one Mistresse Ford, (Sir) I pray come a little neerer this waies: I my selfe dwell with M[aster]. Doctor Caius: Fal. Well, on; Mistresse Ford, you say Qui. Your worship saies very true: I pray your worship come a little neerer this waies Fal. I warrant thee, no-bodie heares: mine owne people, mine owne people Qui. Are they so? heauen-blesse them, and make them his Seruants |