The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
page 69 of 121 (57%)
page 69 of 121 (57%)
M.Ford. Heauen make you better then your thoghts
Ford. Amen Mi.Page. You do your selfe mighty wrong (M[aster]. Ford) Ford. I, I: I must beare it Eu. If there be any pody in the house, & in the chambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses: heauen forgiue my sins at the day of iudgement Caius. Be gar, nor I too: there is no-bodies Page. Fy, fy, M[aster]. Ford, are you not asham'd? What spirit, what diuell suggests this imagination? I wold not ha your distemper in this kind, for y welth of Windsor castle Ford. 'Tis my fault (M[aster]. Page) I suffer for it Euans. You suffer for a pad conscience: your wife is as honest a o'mans, as I will desires among fiue thousand, and fiue hundred too Cai. By gar, I see 'tis an honest woman Ford. Well, I promisd you a dinner: come, come, walk in the Parke, I pray you pardon me: I wil hereafter make knowne to you why I haue done this. Come wife, come Mi[stris]. Page, I pray you pardon me. Pray hartly pardon me Page. Let's go in Gentlemen, but (trust me) we'l mock |