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Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
page 6 of 115 (05%)

Mar. By my troth sir Toby, you must come in earlyer
a nights: your Cosin, my Lady, takes great exceptions
to your ill houres

To. Why let her except, before excepted

Ma. I, but you must confine your selfe within the
modest limits of order

To. Confine? Ile confine my selfe no finer then I am:
these cloathes are good enough to drinke in, and so bee
these boots too: and they be not, let them hang themselues
in their owne straps

Ma. That quaffing and drinking will vndoe you: I
heard my Lady talke of it yesterday: and of a foolish
knight that you brought in one night here, to be hir woer
To. Who, Sir Andrew Ague-cheeke?
Ma. I he

To. He's as tall a man as any's in Illyria

Ma. What's that to th' purpose?
To. Why he ha's three thousand ducates a yeare

Ma. I, but hee'l haue but a yeare in all these ducates:
He's a very foole, and a prodigall

To. Fie, that you'l say so: he playes o'th Viol-de-gamboys,
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