King John by William Shakespeare
page 23 of 110 (20%)
page 23 of 110 (20%)
With vnhack'd swords, and Helmets all vnbruis'd,
We will beare home that lustie blood againe, Which heere we came to spout against your Towne, And leaue your children, wiues, and you in peace. But if you fondly passe our proffer'd offer, 'Tis not the rounder of your old-fac'd walles, Can hide you from our messengers of Warre, Though all these English, and their discipline Were harbour'd in their rude circumference: Then tell vs, Shall your Citie call vs Lord, In that behalfe which we haue challeng'd it? Or shall we giue the signall to our rage, And stalke in blood to our possession? Cit. In breefe, we are the King of Englands subiects For him, and in his right, we hold this Towne Iohn. Acknowledge then the King, and let me in Cit. That can we not: but he that proues the King To him will we proue loyall, till that time Haue we ramm'd vp our gates against the world Iohn. Doth not the Crowne of England, prooue the King? And if not that, I bring you Witnesses Twice fifteene thousand hearts of Englands breed Bast. Bastards and else Iohn. To verifie our title with their liues |