King John by William Shakespeare
page 32 of 110 (29%)
page 32 of 110 (29%)
That yon greene boy shall haue no Sunne to ripe
The bloome that promiseth a mightie fruite. I see a yeelding in the lookes of France: Marke how they whisper, vrge them while their soules Are capeable of this ambition, Least zeale now melted by the windie breath Of soft petitions, pittie and remorse, Coole and congeale againe to what it was Hub. Why answer not the double Maiesties, This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne Fra. Speake England first, that hath bin forward first To speake vnto this Cittie: what say you? Iohn. If that the Dolphin there thy Princely sonne, Can in this booke of beautie read, I loue: Her Dowrie shall weigh equall with a Queene: For Angiers, and faire Toraine Maine, Poyctiers, And all that we vpon this side the Sea, (Except this Cittie now by vs besiedg'd) Finde liable to our Crowne and Dignitie, Shall gild her bridall bed and make her rich In titles, honors, and promotions, As she in beautie, education, blood, Holdes hand with any Princesse of the world Fra. What sai'st thou boy? looke in the Ladies face Dol. I do my Lord, and in her eie I find A wonder, or a wondrous miracle, |