King John by William Shakespeare
page 35 of 110 (31%)
page 35 of 110 (31%)
Fra. And by my faith, this league that we haue made
Will giue her sadnesse very little cure: Brother of England, how may we content This widdow Lady? In her right we came, Which we God knowes, haue turn'd another way, To our owne vantage Iohn. We will heale vp all, For wee'l create yong Arthur Duke of Britaine And Earle of Richmond, and this rich faire Towne We make him Lord of. Call the Lady Constance, Some speedy Messenger bid her repaire To our solemnity: I trust we shall, (If not fill vp the measure of her will) Yet in some measure satisfie her so, That we shall stop her exclamation, Go we as well as hast will suffer vs, To this vnlook'd for vnprepared pompe. Exeunt. Bast. Mad world, mad kings, mad composition: Iohn to stop Arthurs Title in the whole, Hath willingly departed with a part, And France, whose armour Conscience buckled on, Whom zeale and charitie brought to the field, As Gods owne souldier, rounded in the eare, With that same purpose-changer, that slye diuel, That Broker, that still breakes the pate of faith, That dayly breake-vow, he that winnes of all, |