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David Elginbrod by George MacDonald
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A trewe swinker, and a good was he,
Living in peace and perfect charity.
God loved he best with all his trewe heart,
At alle times, were it gain or smart,
And then his neighebour right as himselve.

CHAUCER.--Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.



Of all the flowers in the mead,
Then love I roost these flowers white and rede,
Such that men callen daisies in our town.

I renne blithe
As soon as ever the sun ginneth west,
To see this flower, how it will go to rest,
For fear of night, so hateth she darkness;
Her cheer is plainly spread in the brightness
Of the sunne, for there it will unclose.

CHAUCER--Prologue to the Legend of Good Women.

"Meg! whaur are ye gaein' that get, like a wull shuttle? Come in to
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