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The Bucolics and Eclogues by 70 BC-19 BC Virgil
page 12 of 46 (26%)
For auditor- or see, to serve our turn,
Yonder Palaemon comes! In singing-bouts
I'll see you play the challenger no more.

Out then with what you have; I shall not shrink,
Nor budge for any man: only do you,
Neighbour Palaemon, with your whole heart's skill-
For it is no slight matter-play your part.

Say on then, since on the greensward we sit,
And now is burgeoning both field and tree;
Now is the forest green, and now the year
At fairest. Do you first, Damoetas, sing,
Then you, Menalcas, in alternate strain:
Alternate strains are to the Muses dear.

"From Jove the Muse began; Jove filleth all,
Makes the earth fruitful, for my songs hath care."

"Me Phoebus loves; for Phoebus his own gifts,
Bays and sweet-blushing hyacinths, I keep."

"Gay Galatea throws an apple at me,
Then hies to the willows, hoping to be seen."
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