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The Bucolics and Eclogues by 70 BC-19 BC Virgil
page 20 of 46 (43%)
You skilled to breathe upon the slender reeds,
I to sing ditties, do we not sit down
Here where the elm-trees and the hazels blend?

You are the elder, 'tis for me to bide
Your choice, Menalcas, whether now we seek
Yon shade that quivers to the changeful breeze,
Or the cave's shelter. Look you how the cave
Is with the wild vine's clusters over-laced!

None but Amyntas on these hills of ours
Can vie with you.


What if he also strive
To out-sing Phoebus?


Do you first begin,
Good Mopsus, whether minded to sing aught
Of Phyllis and her loves, or Alcon's praise,
Or to fling taunts at Codrus. Come, begin,
While Tityrus watches o'er the grazing kids.

Nay, then, I will essay what late I carved
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