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The Bucolics and Eclogues by 70 BC-19 BC Virgil
page 9 of 46 (19%)
Who owns the flock, Damoetas? Meliboeus?

Nay, they are Aegon's sheep, of late by him
Committed to my care.


O every way
Unhappy sheep, unhappy flock! while he
Still courts Neaera, fearing lest her choice
Should fall on me, this hireling shepherd here
Wrings hourly twice their udders, from the flock
Filching the life-juice, from the lambs their milk.

Hold! not so ready with your jeers at men!
We know who once, and in what shrine with you-
The he-goats looked aside- the light nymphs laughed-

Ay, then, I warrant, when they saw me slash
Micon's young vines and trees with spiteful hook.

Or here by these old beeches, when you broke
The bow and arrows of Damon; for you chafed
When first you saw them given to the boy,
Cross-grained Menalcas, ay, and had you not
Done him some mischief, would have chafed to death.
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