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In the Carquinez Woods by Bret Harte
page 45 of 144 (31%)
lying at a steep angle against one of its mightiest brethren, having
borne down a lesser tree in the arc of its downward path. Two of the
roots, as large as younger trees, tossed their blackened and bare
limbs high in the air. The spring--the insignificant cause of this vast
disruption--gurgled, flashed, and sparkled at the base; the limpid baby
fingers that had laid bare the foundations of that fallen column played
with the still clinging rootlets, laved the fractured and twisted limbs,
and, widening, filled with sleeping water the graves from which they had
been torn.

"It had been going on for years, down there," said Low, pointing to a
cavity from which the fresh water now slowly welled, "but it had been
quickened by the rising of the subterranean springs and rivers which
always occurs at a certain stage of the dry season. I remember that
on that very night--for it happened a little after midnight, when all
sounds are more audible--I was troubled and oppressed in my sleep by
what you would call a nightmare; a feeling as if I was kept down by
bonds and pinions that I longed to break. And then I heard a crash in
this direction, and the first streak of morning brought me the sound and
scent of water. Six months afterwards I chanced to find my way here, as
I told you, and gave it your name. I did not dream that I should ever
stand beside it with you, and have you christen it yourself."

He unloosened the cup from his flask, and filling it at the spring
handed it to her. But the young girl leant over the pool, and pouring
the water idly back said, "I'd rather put my feet in it. Mayn't I?"

"I don't understand you," he said wonderingly.

"My feet are SO hot and dusty. The water looks deliciously cool. May I?"
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