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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 11 of 248 (04%)
"That's the--the article," explained Peter.

Mrs. Postwhistle compressed her lips and slightly tossed her head.
It was the attitude of not ill-natured contempt from which she
regarded most human affairs.

"That's right," said Mrs. Postwhistle; "I remember seeing 'er
there--leastways, it was an 'er right enough then. What 'ave you
done with your clothes?"

"They weren't mine," explained Tommy. "They were things what Mrs.
Hammond had lent me."

"Is that your own?" asked Mrs. Postwhistle, indicating the blue
silk garibaldi.


"What went with it?"

"Tights. They were too far gone."

"What made you give up the tumbling business and go to Mrs.

"It gave me up. Hurt myself."

"Who were you with last?"

"Martini troupe."
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