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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 18 of 248 (07%)
looking very well, Tommy."

"I'm all right," asserted Tommy; "never nothing the matter with

"Not that you know of, perhaps; but one can be in a very bad way,
Tommy, without being aware of it. I cannot have anyone about me
that I am not sure is in thoroughly sound health."

"If you mean you've changed your mind and want to get rid of me--"
began Tommy, with its chin in the air.

"I don't want any of your uppishness," snapped Peter, who had wound
himself up for the occasion to a degree of assertiveness that
surprised even himself. "If you are a thoroughly strong and
healthy person, as I think you are, I shall be very glad to retain
your services. But upon that point I must be satisfied. It is the
custom," explained Peter. "It is always done in good families.
Run round to this address"--Peter wrote it upon a leaf of his
notebook--"and ask Dr. Smith to come and see me before he begins
his round. You go at once, and don't let us have any argument."

"That is the way to talk to that young person--clearly," said Peter
to himself, listening to Tommy's footsteps dying down the stairs.

Hearing the street-door slam, Peter stole into the kitchen and
brewed himself a cup of coffee.

Dr. Smith, who had commenced life as Herr Schmidt, but who in
consequence of difference of opinion with his Government was now an
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