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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 22 of 248 (08%)


The doctor thrust his fierce face forward and tapped knowingly with
his right forefinger the right side of his round nose. "I will
take charge of de leedle wench."


"To me de case will not present de same difficulties. I haf a

"Oh, yes, Mrs. Whateley."

"She is a goot woman when you know her," explained the doctor.
"She only wants managing."

"Pooh!" ejaculated Peter.

"Why do you say dat?" inquired the doctor.

"You! bringing up a headstrong girl. The idea!"

"I should be kind, but firm."

"You don't know her."

"How long haf you known her?"

"Anyhow, I'm not a soft-hearted sentimentalist that would just ruin
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