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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 29 of 248 (11%)

"What's the game now?"

"I'll make a journalist of you."

"Don't talk rot."

"It isn't rot. Besides, I won't have you answer me like that. As
a Devil--that means, Tommy, the unseen person in the background
that helps a journalist to do his work--you would be invaluable to
me. It would pay me, Tommy--pay me very handsomely. I should make
money out of you."

This appeared to be an argument that Tommy understood. Peter, with
secret delight, noticed that the chin retained its normal level.

"I did help a chap to sell papers, once," remembered Tommy; "he
said I was fly at it."

"I told you so," exclaimed Peter triumphantly. "The methods are
different, but the instinct required is the same. We will get a
woman in to relieve you of the housework."

The chin shot up into the air.

"I could do it in my spare time."

"You see, Tommy, I should want you to go about with me--to be
always with me."

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