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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 38 of 248 (15%)

The Great Man, laying a hand heavier than he guessed on Tommy's
shoulder, rose. "I think you are entitled to it."

"What's your views?" demanded Tommy, reading, "of the future
political and social relationships--"

"Perhaps," suggested the Great Man, "it will be simpler if I write
it myself."

"Well," concurred Tommy; "my spelling is a bit rocky."

The Great Man drew a chair to the table.

"You won't miss out anything--will you?" insisted Tommy.

"I shall endeavour, Miss Jane, to give you no cause for complaint,"
gravely he assured her, and sat down to write.

Not till the train began to slacken speed had the Prince finished.
Then, blotting and refolding the paper, he stood up.

"I have added some instructions on the back of the last page,"
explained the Prince, "to which you will draw Mr. Hope's particular
attention. I would wish you to promise me, Miss Jane, never again
to have recourse to dangerous acrobatic tricks, not even in the
sacred cause of journalism."

"Of course, if you hadn't been so jolly difficult to get at--"
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