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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 44 of 248 (17%)
"I wanted to ask you," continued Mrs. Postwhistle, "'ow I could get
rid of 'im. It was rather a curious agreement."

"Why do you want to get rid of him? Too noisy?"

"Noisy! Why, the cat makes more noise about the 'ouse than 'e
does. 'E'd make 'is fortune as a burglar."

"Come home late?"

"Never known 'im out after the shutters are up."

"Gives you too much trouble then?"

"I can't say that of 'im. Never know whether 'e's in the 'ouse or
isn't, without going upstairs and knocking at the door."

"Here, you tell it your own way," suggested the bewildered Clodd.
"If it was anyone else but you, I should say you didn't know your
own business."

"'E gets on my nerves," said Mrs. Postwhistle. "You ain't in a
'urry for five minutes?"

Mr. Clodd was always in a hurry. "But I can forget it talking to
you," added the gallant Mr. Clodd.

Mrs. Postwhistle led the way into the little parlour.

"Just the name of it," consented Mr. Clodd. "Cheerfulness combined
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