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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 59 of 248 (23%)

Clodd held out his hand. "We'll pull it through, Tommy. The
Guv'nor shall find the literature; you and I will make it go. I
like you."

And Peter Hope, entering at the moment, caught a spark from the
light that shone in the eyes of William Clodd and Tommy, whose
other name was Jane, as, gripping hands, they stood with the desk
between them, laughing they knew not why. And the years fell from
old Peter, and, again a boy, he also laughed he knew not why. He
had sipped from the wine-cup of youth.

"It's all settled, Guv'nor!" cried Clodd. "Tommy and I have fixed
things up. We'll start with the New Year."

"You've got the money?"

"I'm reckoning on it. I don't see very well how I can miss it."


"Just about. You get to work."

"I've saved a little," began Peter. "It ought to have been more,
but somehow it isn't."

"Perhaps we shall want it," Clodd replied; "perhaps we shan't. You
are supplying the brains."

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