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The Riddle of the Sands by Erskine Childers
page 3 of 397 (00%)
* 21 Blindfold to Memmert
* 22 The Quartette
* 23 A Change of Tactics
* 24 Finesse
* 25 I Double Back
* 26 The Seven Siels
* 27 The Luck of the Stowaway
* 28 We Achieve our Double Aim

* Epilogue and Postscript

Maps and Charts

* Map A -- General Map
* Chart A -- Stranding of the Dulcibella
* Map B -- East Friesland
* Chart B -- Juist, Memmert, Norderney
* Sketch -- Memmert Salvage Depot


A WORD about the origin and authorship of this book.

In October last (1902), my friend 'Carruthers' visited me in my
chambers, and, under a provisional pledge of secrecy, told me frankly
the whole of the adventure described in these pages. Till then I had
only known as much as the rest of his friends, namely, that he had
recently undergone experiences during a yachting cruise with a
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