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Dora Thorne by Charlotte M. (Charlotte Monica) Brame
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by Charlotte M. Braeme

Chapter I

"The consequences of folly seldom end with its originator," said
Lord Earle to his son. "Rely upon it, Ronald, if you were to
take this most foolish and unadvisable step, you would bring
misery upon yourself and every one connected with you. Listen to

"There is no reason in prejudice," replied the young man
haughtily. "You can not bring forward one valid reason against
my marriage."

Despite his annoyance, a smile broke over Lord Earle's grave

"I can bring a thousand reasons, if necessary," he replied. "I
grant everything you say. Dora Thorne is very pretty; but
remember, she is quite a rustic and unformed beauty--and I
almost doubt whether she can read or spell properly. She is
modest and good, I grant, and I never heard one syllable against
her. Ronald, let me appeal to your better judgment--are a
moderate amount of rustic prettiness and shy modesty sufficient
qualifications for your wife, who will have to take your mother's
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