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Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology by Anonymous
page 36 of 334 (10%)
After the description of S. Sophia by Paulus Silentiarius, follow in
the MS. select poems of S. Gregorius.

After the description by Christodorus of the statues in the gymnasium
of Zeuxippus follows a collection of nineteen epigrams inscribed below
carved reliefs in the temple of Apollonis, mother of Attalus and
Eumenes kings of Pergamus, at Cyzicus.

After the proem to the Anthology of Agathias follows another epigram
of his, apparently the colophon to his collection.

The book of Christian epigrams and that of poems by Christodorus of
Thebes are wanting in the MS.

Between the /Sepulcralia/ and /Epideictica/ is inserted a collection
of 254 epigrams by S. Gregorius.

John of Gaza's description of the Mappa Mundi in the winter baths is
wanting in the MS.

After the miscellaneous Byzantine epigrams, which form the last entry
in the index, is a collection of epigrams in the Hippodrome at

The Palatine MS. then is a copy from another lost MS. And the lost MS.
itself was not the archetype of Cephalas. From a prefatory note to the
/Dedicatoria/, taken in connection with the three iambic lines
prefixed to the /Amatoria/, it is obvious that the /Amatoria/ formed
the first section of the Anthology of Cephalas, preceded, no doubt, by
the three proems of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias as prefatory
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