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The Voice by Margaret Wade Campbell Deland
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the Perryville meeting-house--the parson
there is a nice boy."

"She is an attractive young creature,"
said the doctor, smiling at some pleasant
memory; "the kind of girl a man would
like to have for a daughter. But did
you ever know such an old-fashioned
little thing!"

"Well, she's like the girls I knew when
I was the age of the Perryville parson,
so I suppose you'd call her old-fashioned,"
Dr. Lavendar said. "There
aren't many such girls nowadays;
sweet-tempered and sensible and with
some fun in 'em."

"Why don't you say 'good,' too?"
William King inquired.

"Unnecessary," Dr. Lavendar said,
scratching Danny's ear; "anybody who
is amiable, sensible, and humorous is
good. Can't help it."

"The father is good," William King
said, "but he is certainly not sensible.
He's an old donkey, with his TONGUES
and his VOICE!"
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