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The Categories by Aristotle
page 4 of 52 (07%)
Expressions which are in no way composite signify substance,
quantity, quality, relation, place, time, position, state,
action, or affection. To sketch my meaning roughly, examples of
substance are 'man' or 'the horse', of quantity, such terms as
'two cubits long' or 'three cubits long', of quality, such
attributes as 'white', 'grammatical'. 'Double', 'half',
'greater', fall under the category of relation; 'in a the market
place', 'in the Lyceum', under that of place; 'yesterday', 'last
year', under that of time. 'Lying', 'sitting', are terms
indicating position, 'shod', 'armed', state; 'to lance', 'to
cauterize', action; 'to be lanced', 'to be cauterized',

No one of these terms, in and by itself, involves an affirmation;
it is by the combination of such terms that positive or negative
statements arise. For every assertion must, as is admitted, be
either true or false, whereas expressions which are not in any
way composite such as 'man', 'white', 'runs', 'wins', cannot be
either true or false.

Part 5

Substance, in the truest and primary and most definite sense of
the word, is that which is neither predicable of a subject nor
present in a subject; for instance, the individual man or horse.
But in a secondary sense those things are called substances
within which, as species, the primary substances are included;
also those which, as genera, include the species. For instance,
the individual man is included in the species 'man', and the
genus to which the species belongs is 'animal'; these,
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