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The Marriages by Henry James
page 7 of 47 (14%)
the one who would care most. If Basil was the eldest son--he had as
a matter of course gone into the army and was in India, on the staff,
by good luck, of a governor-general--it was exactly this that would
make him comparatively indifferent. His life was elsewhere, and his
father and he had been in a measure military comrades, so that he
would be deterred by a certain delicacy from protesting; he wouldn't
have liked any such protest in an affair of HIS. Beatrice and Muriel
would care, but they were too young to speak, and this was just why
her own responsibility was so great.

Godfrey was in working-gear--shirt and trousers and slippers and a
beautiful silk jacket. His room felt hot, though a window was open
to the summer night; the lamp on the table shed its studious light
over a formidable heap of text-books and papers, the bed moreover
showing how he had flung himself down to think out a problem. As
soon as she got in she began. "Father's going to marry Mrs.
Churchley, you know."

She saw his poor pink face turn pale. "How do you know?"

"I've seen with my eyes. We've been dining there--we've just come
home. He's in love with her. She's in love with HIM. They'll
arrange it."

"Oh I say!" Godfrey exclaimed, incredulous.

"He will, he will, he will!" cried the girl; and with it she burst
into tears.

Godfrey, who had a cigarette in his hand, lighted it at one of the
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