Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer
page 30 of 316 (09%)
page 30 of 316 (09%)
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`Now knowe I that ther reson in the fayleth.
But tel me, if I wiste what she were 765 For whom that thee al this misaunter ayleth? Dorstestow that I tolde hir in hir ere Thy wo, sith thou darst not thy-self for fere, And hir bisoughte on thee to han som routhe?' `Why, nay,' quod he, `by god and by my trouthe!' 770 `What, Not as bisily,' quod Pandarus, `As though myn owene lyf lay on this nede?' `No, certes, brother,' quod this Troilus, `And why?' -- `For that thou sholdest never spede.' `Wostow that wel?' -- `Ye, that is out of drede,' 775 Quod Troilus, `for al that ever ye conne, She nil to noon swich wrecche as I be wonne.' Quod Pandarus, `Allas! What may this be, That thou dispeyred art thus causelees? What? Liveth not thy lady? Benedicite! 780 How wostow so that thou art gracelees? Swich yvel is nat alwey botelees. Why, put not impossible thus thy cure, Sin thing to come is ofte in aventure. `I graunte wel that thou endurest wo 785 As sharp as doth he, Ticius, in helle, Whos stomak foules tyren ever-mo That highte volturis, as bokes telle. But I may not endure that thou dwelle In so unskilful an opinioun 790 |