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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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is to be done? Hark! (DIEGO, without, singing.)

"Oh, here's your aguardiente,
Drink it down!"

Jovita. It is Diego; and, Mother of God! drunk again!

Enter SANDY, carrying pack, intoxicated; staggers to centre, and,
observing JOVITA, takes off his hat respectfully.

Jovita (shaking him by the shoulders passionately). Diego! How
dare you! And at such a time!

Sandy (with drunken solemnity). Miss Jovita, did ye ever know me
to be drunk afore at such a time?

Jovita. No.

Sandy. Zachy so. It's abnormal. And it means--the game's up.

Jovita. I do not understand. For the love of God, Diego, be

Sandy (solemnly and drunkenly). When I say your game's up, I mean
the old man knows it all. You're blowed upon. Hearken, miss.
(Seriously and soberly.) Your father knows all that I know; but,
as it wasn't my business to interfere with, I hev sorter helped
along. He knows that you meet a stranger, an American, in these
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