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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 25 of 150 (16%)
character and interest, as far as the direct matter of our search,--
we have been, I think I may say, unsuccessful. Our search has
been attended with the--er--disbursement of some capital under my--
er--er--direction, which, though large, represents quite inadequately
the--er--er--earnestness of our endeavors.


Manuela (to DON JOSE). The Dona Jovita is waiting to receive you.

Don Jose (to MORTON). You shall tell me further of your interesting
pilgrimage hereafter. At present my daughter awaits us to place
this humble roof at your disposal. I am a widower, Don Alexandro,
like yourself. When I say that, like you, I have an only child, and
that I love her, you will understand how earnest is my sympathy.
This way, gentlemen. (Leading to door in corridor, and awaiting

Starbottle (aside). Umph! an interview with lovely woman means--
er--intoxication, but--er--er--no liquor. It's evident that the
Don doesn't drink. Eh! (Catches sight of table in corridor, and
bottle.) Oh, he does, but some absurd Spanish formality prevents
his doing the polite thing before dinner. (Aloud, to DON JOSE.)
One moment, sir, one moment. If you will--er--er--pardon the--er--
seeming discourtesy, for which I am, I admit--or--personally
responsible, I will for a few moments enjoy the--er--er--delicious
air of the courtyard, and the beauties of Nature as displayed in
the--er--sunset. I will--er--rejoin you and the--er--er--ladies a
moment later.

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