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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 43 of 150 (28%)

OAKHURST goes to the gate, opens it, as the sound of DIEGO'S voice,
singing in the fog, comes faintly in.

O yer's your Sandy Morton,
Drink him down!
O yer's your Sandy Morton,
Drink him down!
O yer's your Sandy Morton,
For he's drunk, and goin' a-courtin'.
O yer's your Sandy Morton,
Drink him down!

OAKHURST recoils against gate, MORTON hesitates, as window in
corridor opens, and DON JOSE calls from upper corridor.

Don Jose. Concho! (Pause.) 'Tis that vagabond Diego, lost his
way in the fog. Strange that Concho should have overlooked him. I
will descend.

Morton (to OAKHURST). Do you hear?

Exit OAKHURST through gateway. MORTON closes gate, and returns to
centre. Enter JOVITA hurriedly.

Jovita. I have it here. Quick! there is a light in Don Jose's
chamber; my father is coming down. (Sees MORTON, and screams.)
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