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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 61 of 150 (40%)

SCENE 3.--The Same.

(A pause. SANDY'S voice, without.) This way, miss: the trail is

(MISS MARY'S voice, without.) Never mind me; look after the

Enter SANDY, carrying bucket with water, followed by MISS MARY.
SANDY sets bucket down.

Miss Mary. There, you've spilt half of it. If it had been
whiskey, you'd have been more careful.

Sandy (submissively). Yes, miss.

Miss Mary (aside). "Yes, miss! "The man will drive me crazy with
his saccharine imbecility. (Aloud.) I believe you would assent to
anything, even if I said you were--an impostor!

Sandy (amazedly). An impostor, Miss Mary?

Miss Mary. Well, I don't know what other term you use in Red Gulch
to express a man who conceals his real name under another.

Sandy (embarrassed, but facing MISS MARY). Has anybody been
tellin' ye I was an impostor, miss? Has thet derned old fool that
I saw ye with--

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