The Value of Zeta(3) to 1,000,000 places by Unknown
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Mathematical constants and numbers
edited by Simon Plouffe Associate Professor LaCIM, University of Quebec at Montreal : Plouffe's Inverter The value of Zeta(3) to 1,000,000 decimal digits. the number is defined as sum(1/n^3,n=1..infinity), the sum of inverses of cubes and equals 1.2020569031... Computed by : Sebastian Wedeniwski ( who computed more than 128 million digits using this more efficient formula found by Theodor Amdeberhan and Doron Zeilberger. / \ | ------ 3 | | \ n A(n) ((2 n + 1)! (2 n)! n!) | Zeta(3) = 1/24 | ) (-1) ------------------------------ | | / 3 | | ------ (3 n + 2)! ((4 n + 3)!) | \ n >= 0 / |