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An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry by Robert Browning
page 114 of 525 (21%)

"but when
'Twas time expostulate, attempt withdraw
Taurello from his child," . . .
Sordello, p. 180.

Here are two infinitives, with the prepositive omitted,
"expostulate" and "attempt", both dependent on the noun "time",
and another, "withdraw", without the prepositive, dependent on
"attempt": "but when 'twas time [to] expostulate, [to] attempt
[to] withdraw", etc.

"For thus he ventured, to the verge,
Push a vain mummery." . . .
Sordello, p. 190.

i.e., for thus he ventured [to] push to the verge a vain mummery.

"as yet
He had inconsciously contrived FORGET
I' the whole, to dwell o' the points". . .
Sordello, p. 190.

"Grown bestial, dreaming how BECOME divine."
Sordello, p. 191.

"And the whole music it was framed AFFORD," --
Sordello, p. 203.

"Was such a lighting-up of faith, in life,
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