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Confiscation; an outline by William Greenwood
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radical departure from our present system, be sufficiently outlined for
working purposes in a volume of this size, and also written so that it
shall be intelligible to those to whom all such works should in a
Republic be addressed; namely, the voter, who alone has the power to
bring about the desired change?

The late Professor Tyndall was both an original investigator of natural
phenomena and a teacher who could make his discoveries plain to the
ordinary mind as he could to the scientist working in the same field as

Discovering a truth in Nature or in political economies is work only
half done if the discoverer wishes to make it known to those in whose
interest he claims to be working.

Labor, iron labor, makes the scholar, says Emerson.

Labor, iron labor, gave Tyndall the faculty that, made him intelligible
and interesting to the young, and the right to preside at a meeting of

But there is pride of intellect as well as pride of riches, and none
shows this pride as do the writers on political economy who have made it
the "dismal science," instead of having made it the A, B, C of our
mental furniture, as it should be with the people of a republic.

Making a good use of our means in our home and business affairs is good

Making a poor use of them is bad economics.
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