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Mr.Gladstone and Genesis by Thomas Henry Huxley
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Mr. Gladstone and Genesis
by Thomas Henry Huxley
This is Essay #5 from "Science and Hebrew Tradition"

In controversy, as in courtship, the good old rule to be off
with the old before one is on with the new, greatly commends
itself to my sense of expediency. And, therefore, it appears to
me desirable that I should preface such observations as I may
have to offer upon the cloud of arguments (the relevancy of
which to the issue which I had ventured to raise is not always
obvious) put forth by Mr. Gladstone in the January number of
this review,<1> by an endeavour to make clear to such of our
readers as have not had the advantage of a forensic education
the present net result of the discussion.

I am quite aware that, in undertaking this task, I run all the
risks to which the man who presumes to deal judicially with his
own cause is liable. But it is exactly because I do not shun
that risk, but, rather, earnestly desire to be judged by him who
cometh after me, provided that he has the knowledge and
impartiality appropriate to a judge, that I adopt my
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