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A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories by Bret Harte
page 106 of 200 (53%)
appeared to be a sailor, although both were dressed in that dingy
respectability and remoteness of fashion affected by second and third
mates when ashore. They were already well in the hall, and making their
way toward the private office, when the elder man said, with an air
of casual explanation, "Lookin' for the American consul; I reckon this
yer's the consulate?"

"It is the consulate," said the official dryly, "and I am the consul;

"That's all right," interrupted the stranger, pushing past him, and
opening the door of the private office, into which he shoved his
companion. "Thar now!" he continued to the diffident youth, pointing to
a chair, and quite ignoring the presence of the consul; "thar's a bit
of America. Sit down thar. You're under the flag now, and can do as
you darn please." Nevertheless, he looked a little disappointed as he
glanced around him, as if he had expected a different environment and
possibly a different climate.

"I presume," said the consul suavely, "you wish to see me on some urgent
matter; for you probably know that the consulate is closed on Sunday to
ordinary business. I am here myself quite accidentally."

"Then you don't live here?" said the visitor disappointedly.


"I reckon that's the reason why we didn't see no flag a-flyin' when we
was a-huntin' this place yesterday. We were directed here, but I says to
Malcolm, says I, 'No; it ain't here, or you'd see the Stars and Stripes
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