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A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories by Bret Harte
page 116 of 200 (57%)
far-sighted and practical; very human and hearty in social intercourse,
which, however, left him as it found him,--with no sentimental or
unbusiness-like entanglements. The consul had known him sensible and
sturdy at board meetings and executive councils; logical and convincing
at political gatherings; decorous and grave in the kirk; and humorous
and jovial at festivities, where perhaps later in the evening, in
company with others, hands were clasped over a libation lyrically
defined as a "right guid williewaught." On one of these occasions they
had walked home together, not without some ostentation of steadiness;
yet when MacFen's eminently respectable front door had closed upon
him, the consul was perfectly satisfied that a distinctly proper and
unswerving man of business would issue from it the next morning.

"Ay, but it's a soft day," said Sir James, removing his gloves. "Ye'll
not be gadding about in this weather."

"You got my note of introduction, I suppose?" said the consul, when the
momentous topic of the weather was exhausted.

"Oh, ay."

"And you saw the gentlemen?"


"And what's your opinion of--his claims?"

"He's a fine lad--that Malcolm--a fine type of a lad," said Sir
James, with an almost too effusive confidence. "Ye'll be thinking so
yourself--no doubt? Ay, it's wonderful to consider the preservation of
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