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A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories by Bret Harte
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only succeeded in uncovering the delicate lines of his handsome
mouth, and so absurdly reducing his apparent years that his avuncular
pretensions seemed more preposterous than ever; and when he had rung
the bell and was admitted by a severe Irish waiting-maid, his momentary
hesitation and half humorous diffidence had such an unexpected effect
upon her, that it seemed doubtful if he would be allowed to pass beyond
the vestibule. "Shure, miss," she said in a whisper to an under teacher,
"there's wan at the dhure who calls himself, 'Mister' Hamlin, but av it
is not a young lady maskeradin' in her brother's clothes Oim very much
mistaken; and av it's a boy, one of the pupil's brothers, shure ye might
put a dhress on him when you take the others out for a walk, and he'd
pass for the beauty of the whole school."

Meantime, the unconscious subject of this criticism was pacing somewhat
uneasily up and down the formal reception room into which he had been
finally ushered. Its farther end was filled by an enormous parlor organ,
a number of music books, and a cheerfully variegated globe. A large
presentation Bible, an equally massive illustrated volume on the Holy
Land, a few landscapes in cold, bluish milk and water colors, and rigid
heads in crayons--the work of pupils--were presumably ornamental. An
imposing mahogany sofa and what seemed to be a disproportionate excess
of chairs somewhat coldly furnished the room. Jack had reluctantly
made up his mind that, if Sophy was accompanied by any one, he would be
obliged to kiss her to keep up his assumed relationship. As she entered
the room with Miss Mix, Jack advanced and soberly saluted her on the
cheek. But so positive and apparent was the gallantry of his presence,
and perhaps so suggestive of some pastoral flirtation, that Miss Mix, to
Jack's surprise, winced perceptibly and became stony. But he was still
more surprised that the young lady herself shrank half uneasily from his
lips, and uttered a slight exclamation. It was a new experience to Mr.
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