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A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories by Bret Harte
page 83 of 200 (41%)
deserving employee. Whereat, for a few days he assumed an air of cold
and ceremonious politeness, until perceiving that, far from piquing the
girl, it seemed to gratify her, and even to render her less sensitive
in his company, he sulked in good earnest. This proving ineffective
also,--except to produce a kind of compassionate curiosity,--his former
dull rage returned. The planting of the rancho was nearly over; his
service would be ended next week; he had not yet given his answer to
Woodridge's proposition; he would decline it and cut the whole concern!

It was a crisp Sunday morning. The breakfast hour was later on that
day to allow the men more time for their holiday, which, however, they
generally spent in cards, gossip, or reading in their sleeping sheds.
It usually delayed Reddy's work, but as he cared little for the
companionship of his fellows, it enabled him, without a show of
unsociability, to seclude himself in the dining-room. And this morning
he was early approached by his employer.

"I'm goin' to take the women folks over to Oakdale to church," said Mr.
Woodridge; "ef ye keer to join us thar's a seat in the wagon, and I'll
turn on a couple of Chinamen to do the work for you, just now; and Nelly
or the old woman will give you a lift this afternoon with the counting

Reddy felt instinctively that the invitation had been instigated by the
young girl. A week before he would have rejoiced at it; a month ago he
would have accepted it if only as a relief to his degraded position, but
in the pique of this new passion he almost rudely declined it. An hour
later he saw Nelly, becomingly and even tastefully dressed,--with
the American girl's triumphant superiority to her condition and
surroundings,--ride past in her father's smart "carryall." He was
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