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Eric Brighteyes by H. Rider (Henry Rider) Haggard
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and whose latest desire was Rest. But it may not be; like the Golden
Eric of this Saga, and after a nobler fashion, he has passed through the
Hundred Gates into the Valhalla of Renown.

To you, then, Madam, I dedicate this book, a token, however slight and
unworthy, of profound respect and sympathy.

I am, Madam,

Your Majesty's most obedient servant,

H. Rider Haggard.

November 17, 1889.

To H.I.M. Victoria, Empress Frederick of Germany.


"Eric Brighteyes" is a romance founded on the Icelandic Sagas. "What is
a saga?" "Is it a fable or a true story?" The answer is not altogether
simple. For such sagas as those of Burnt Njal and Grettir the Strong
partake both of truth and fiction: historians dispute as to the
proportions. This was the manner of the saga's growth: In the early days
of the Iceland community--that republic of aristocrats--say, between the
dates 900 and 1100 of our era, a quarrel would arise between two great
families. As in the case of the Njal Saga, its cause, probably, was the
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