Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Margaret Sidney
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page 2 of 317 (00%)
JOLLY DAYS GETTING A CHRISTMAS FOR THE LITTLE ONES CHRISTMAS BELLS! EDUCATION AHEAD BRAVE WORK AND THE REWARD POLLY IS COMFORTED PHRONSIE GETTING READY FOR MAMSIE AND THE BOYS WHICH TREATS OF A GOOD MANY MATTERS POLLY'S DISMAL MORNING POLLY'S BIG BUNDLE FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS A HOME VIEW The little old kitchen had quieted down from the bustle and confusion of mid-day; and now, with its afternoon manners on, presented a holiday aspect, that as the principal room in the brown house, it was eminently proper it should have. It was just on the edge of the twilight; and the little Peppers, all except Ben, the oldest of the flock, were enjoying a "breathing spell," as their mother called it, which meant some quiet work suitable for the |