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An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott
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which make woman truly beautiful and honored, and, through her,
render home what it should be,-a happy place, where parents and
children, brothers and sisters, learn to love and know and help one

If the history of Polly's girlish experiences suggests a hint or
insinuates a lesson, I shall feel that, in spite of many obstacles, I
have not entirely neglected my duty toward the little men and
women, for whom it is an honor and a pleasure to write, since in
them I have always found my kindest patrons, gentlest critics,
warmest friends.

L. M. A.

Chapter 1. Polly Arrives
Chapter 2. New Fashions
Chapter 3. Polly's Troubles
Chapter 4. Little Things
Chapter 5. Scrapes
Chapter 6. Grandma
Chapter 7. Good-by
Chapter 8. Six Years Afterward
Chapter 9. Lessons
Chapter 10. Brothers and Sisters
Chapter 11. Needles and Tongues
Chapter 12. Forbidden Fruit
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