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The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush by William Makepeace Thackeray
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Charles James Harrington Fitzroy Yellowplush, in compliment to
several noble families, and to a sellybrated coachmin whom she
knew, who wore a yellow livry, and drove the Lord Mayor of London.

Why she gev me this genlmn's name is a diffiklty, or rayther the
name of a part of his dress; however, it's stuck to me through
life, in which I was, as it were, a footman by buth.

Praps he was my father--though on this subjict I can't speak
suttinly, for my ma wrapped up my buth in a mistry. I may be
illygitmit, I may have been changed at nuss; but I've always had
genlmnly tastes through life, and have no doubt that I come of a
genlmnly origum.

The less I say about my parint the better, for the dear old creatur
was very good to me, and, I fear, had very little other goodness in
her. Why, I can't say; but I always passed as her nevyou. We led
a strange life; sometimes ma was dressed in sattn and rooge, and
sometimes in rags and dutt; sometimes I got kisses, and sometimes
kix; sometimes gin, and sometimes shampang; law bless us! how she
used to swear at me, and cuddle me; there we were, quarrelling and
making up, sober and tipsy, starving and guttling by turns, just as
ma got money or spent it. But let me draw a vail over the seen,
and speak of her no more--its 'sfishant for the public to know,
that her name was Miss Montmorency, and we lived in the New Cut.

My poor mother died one morning, Hev,n bless her! and I was left
alone in this wide wicked wuld, without so much money as would buy
me a penny roal for my brexfast. But there was some amongst our
naybors (and let me tell you there's more kindness among them poor
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