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The Green Mummy by Fergus Hume
page 42 of 386 (10%)
shall find--"

"Find what?" asked Archie, seeing that the Professor hesitated.

Braddock cast a swift look at his questioner.

"I shall find the peculiar mode of Peruvian embalming," he
replied abruptly, and somehow the way in which he spoke gave Hope
the impression that the answer was an excuse. But before he
could formulate the thought that Braddock was concealing
something, Mrs. Jasher spoke frivolously.

"I hope your mummy has jewels," she said.

"It has not," replied Braddock sharply. "So far as I know, the
Inca race never buried their dead with jewels,"

"But I have read in Prescott's History that they did," said Hope.

"Prescott! Prescott!" cried the Professor contemptuously, "a
most unreliable authority. However, I'll promise you one thing,
Hope, that if there are any jewels, or jewelry, you shall have
the lot."

"Give me some, Mr. Hope," cried the widow.

"I cannot," laughed Archie; "the green mummy belongs to the

"I cannot accept such a gift, Hope. Owing to circumstances I
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