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The Green Mummy by Fergus Hume
page 45 of 386 (11%)

"He does so at his own risk. I am not going to marry Sir Frank
because of my step-father's requirements. He has no rights over
me, and, whether he consents or not, I marry you."

"My darling!" and Archie kissed her before they followed Mrs.
Jasher into the drawing-room. All the same, he foresaw trouble.



For the next two or three days, Archie felt decidedly, worried
over his projected marriage with Lucy. Certainly he had--to put
it bluntly--purchased Braddock's consent, and that gentleman
could scarcely draw back from his plighted word, which had cost
the lover so much. Nevertheless, Hope did not entirely, trust
the Professor, as, from the few words which he had let drop at
the dinner party, it was plain that he hankered after money with
which to fit out the expedition in search of the mysterious tomb
to which he had alluded. Archie knew, as did the Professor, that
he could not supply the necessary five thousand pounds without
practically ruining himself, and already he had crippled his
resources in paying over the price of the green mummy. He had
fondly believed that Braddock would have been satisfied with the
relic of Peruvian humanity; but it seemed that the Professor,
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