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Disguising at Hertford by John Lydgate
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Readers interested in the book may wish to have its publication details

Lydgate's Disguising at Hertford Castle by Derek Forbes
with Foreword by Glynne Wickham
First published by Blot Publishing, Pulborough, 1998.
Pp. xiv + 82, f'piece, and 4 plate ills.
Decorated and laminated card cover. ISBN 1 900929 03 1.
Retail price in 2000 six pounds GBP.

Copies of the book are available from
Blot Publishing, 8 Chanctonbury, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3QE, UK.
Telephone: +44 (0)1903 893806
Email: ; Web site: .
or from the Society for Theatre Research, c/o The Theatre Museum,
1E Tavistock Street, London WC2E 7PA, UK.

Copies of the book were distributed by the Society for Theatre Research to
its members worldwide in 1998, and can be consulted in the libraries of
institutions which subscribe to the Society.

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Nowe folowethe here the maner of a bille by wey of supplicacon putte to
the kyng holding his noble feest of Cristmasse in the Castel of Hertford
as in a disguysing : of the Rude upplandisshe people compleyning on hir
wyves with the boystous aunswere of hir wyves devysed by lydegate at the
Request of the Countre Roullour Brys : slayne at Loviers

Most noble prynce : With support of your grace,
Ther beon entred : in to youre royal place
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