The Skin Game by John Galsworthy
page 109 of 138 (78%)
page 109 of 138 (78%)
CHLOE. I don't know you, I say. [To MRS. HILLCRIST] How can you
be so vile? FIRST S. Let me refresh your memory, ma'am. [Producing a notebook] Just on three years ago; "Oct.3. To fee and expenses Mrs. Vane with Mr. C----, Hotel Beaulieu, Twenty pounds. Oct. 10, Do., Twenty pounds." [To HORNBLOWER] Would you like to glance at this book, sir? You'll see they're genuine entries. [HORNBLOWER makes a motion to do so, but checks himself and looks at CHLOE.] CHLOE. [Hysterically] It's all lies--lies! FIRST S. Come, ma'am, we wish you no harm. CHLOE. Take me away. I won't be treated like this. MRS. H. [In a low voice] Confess. CHLOE. Lies! HORNBLOWER. Were ye ever called Vane? CHLOE. No, never. [She makes a movement towards the window, but DAWKER is in the way, and she halts. FIRST S. [Opening the door, Right] Henry.] |