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Paul Prescott's Charge by Horatio Alger
page 87 of 286 (30%)

Paul signified that his appetite was already appeased.

"Then we might as well be jogging on. Hey, Goliah," said he, addressing
the horse, who with an air of great content, had been browsing while his
master was engaged in a similar manner. "Queer name for a horse, isn't
it? I wanted something out of the common way, so I asked mother for a
name, and she gave me that. She's great on scripture names, mother
is. She gave one to every one of her children. It didn't make much
difference to her what they were as long as they were in the Bible. I
believe she used to open the Bible at random, and take the first name
she happened to come across. There are eight of us, and nary a decent
name in the lot. My oldest brother's name is Abimelech. Then there's
Pharaoh, and Ishmael, and Jonadab, for the boys, and Leah and Naomi, for
the girls; but my name beats all. You couldn't guess it?"

Paul shook his head.

"I don't believe you could," said the pedler, shaking his head in comic
indignation. "It's Jehoshaphat. Ain't that a respectable name for the
son of Christian parents?"

Paul laughed.

"It wouldn't be so bad," continued the pedler, "if my other name was
longer; but Jehoshaphat seems rather a long handle to put before Stubbs.
I can't say I feel particularly proud of the name, though for use it'll
do as well as any other. At any rate, it ain't quite so bad as the name
mother pitched on for my youngest sister, who was lucky enough to die
before she needed a name."
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