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Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03: Military Career by Giacomo Casanova
page 3 of 150 (02%)
to read the newspapers, quite at my ease, and delighted to see that
everybody was puzzled. A bold individual, in the hope of getting me into
conversation, came to me and addressed me; I answered him with a
monosyllable, and I observed that everyone was at a loss what to make of
me. When I had sufficiently enjoyed public admiration in the coffee-room,
I promenaded in the busiest thoroughfares of the city, and returned to
the inn, where I had dinner by myself.

I had just concluded my repast when my landlord presented himself with
the travellers' book, in which he wanted to register my name.


"Your profession, if you please, sir?"


"In which service?"


"Your native place?"


"Where do you come from?"

"That is no business of yours."

This answer, which I thought was in keeping with my external appearance,
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