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Tom Swift and His Airship by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
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Tom Swift and His Airship

by Victor Appleton


I - An Explosion
II - Ned Sees Mysterious Men
III - Whitewashed
IV - A Trial Trip
V - Colliding With A Tower
VI - Getting Off The Roof
VII - Andy Tries A Trick
VIII - Winning a Prize
IX - The Runaway Auto
X - A Bag of Tools
XI - The "Red Cloud" Departs
XII - Some Startling News
XIII - Mr. Damon in Danger
XIV - Andy Gives the Clue
XV - Fired Upon
XVI - Over a Fiery Furnace
XVII - "Wanted -- For Robbery!"
XVIII - Back for Vindication
XIX - Wrecked
XX - Tom Gets a Clue
XXI - On the Trail
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